Four ways Slow Burn can work with you and your business...
1. Slow Burn VIP Client
In a way, this is about dressing up your business so you can take it out. We work with you to create a brand identity that allows your business to step out into the world looking and feeling like it matters. It starts by listening. A lot. We talk to you. We talk to your staff, if you have any. We talk to your customers. If you don't yet have customers, we talk to the people who would be your prospects. It's all about drilling down to develop a solid understanding of your core customer, and formulating a clear idea about how she should feel about your business. We learn more about your business than even you want to know. Branding then moves forward in three phases:.
2. Lightning Branding: Private Edition
[A favorite of folks not ready to do a full burn.]
Why is the rate so much lower? Because you’re going to do some of the work. With our guidance and tools, you’re going to supply the details and thinking required to work with you and make amazing things happen. With your help, we dig into your business, your brand and the reality of your customer's experience.
Here’s how it works
1) We kick off with a pre-branding phone conference. We talk more about your business, the process you’re going through, and where it’s going to take you. You tell us all about your business. 2) You do some of the work. You then get a copy of our book, Lighting Branding. You also go through our 15-module video course where we take you through the branding process step-by-step. The companion sheets are where you start to figure things out. While this is happening, we're going through any of your pertinant business materials and research your catigory. 3) We work with your work. You send us all of your work from the worksheets, which we review. After reviewing them, we may reach out with a few more questions. Then, we dig into your materials, refining the mission statement, name and tagline. We also come up with three more names and three more taglines based on the work you’ve done. 4) Together, we have another one-on-one consultation for logo & tagline presentation. We review your workbook, including the brand name, tagline, core-customer definition, mission statement, and point of difference. Then, we present the additional names and taglines. 5) Next, your logo. Once you choose a name and tagline, we develop at least three logo options based on that name selection, presenting them in a subsequent conference. 6) Your materials. Once your logo is selected, you'll receive the finished art as jpeg, png, pdf and ai. file so you can use it in any environment you may need it for. |
Remote consultation, 4,950
If you want to meet in person,
the final rate is influenced by travel costs
Remote consultation, 4,950
If you want to meet in person,
the final rate is influenced by travel costs
3. Lightning Branding: DIY
This is affordable as we could possibly make it. Using our online self-branding course, you'll implement the exact same system we use to brand our Slow Burn Clients. The method that's helped small business owners do things like double their bottom line in a year.
3. Lightning Branding: DIY
This is affordable as we could possibly make it. Using our online self-branding course, you'll implement the exact same system we use to brand our Slow Burn Clients. The method that's helped small business owners do things like double their bottom line in a year.
Here’s how it works
1) We send you a copy of our book Lighting Branding.
2) You then go through our 15-module video course where we take you through the branding porcess step-by-step. The companion workbook is where you start to figure things out.
3) The fruits of your labors. The course takes you through the steps you need to take to understanding your business, your core customer and how you're going to make your business a magnet for them. By the end, you'll have developted your name, tagline, core-customer definition, and mission statement.
1) We send you a copy of our book Lighting Branding.
2) You then go through our 15-module video course where we take you through the branding porcess step-by-step. The companion workbook is where you start to figure things out.
3) The fruits of your labors. The course takes you through the steps you need to take to understanding your business, your core customer and how you're going to make your business a magnet for them. By the end, you'll have developted your name, tagline, core-customer definition, and mission statement.
If after taking this course, you'd like to upgrade to one of the other levels
we'll decut the amount you already paid.
If after taking this course, you'd like to upgrade to one of the other levels
we'll decut the amount you already paid.
[It's like going to a shrink, only more fun…and way more profitable]
How would you like it if, every month, you get to walk away from a phone call feeling thrilled and energized? This seems to do that for people. We get on the phone with you to discuss your branding, marketing, and even business in general. (Marketing does not exist in a vacuum. It's tied up with everything happening in your business, and your brand is an umbrella for all of it.) Therapy can follow any of the above three programs. We can talk about marketing efforts that worked brilliantly or went awry, shifts in your market, new strategies, dealing with competition, or venturing into different media. Before each session, you send any specific questions or materials. We review it all. Then, on the phone, we discuss them and talk about a plan to conquer the world.
Remote consultation- One 50 min session, 300
Monthly subscription (up to four 50 minute sessions), $950
Remote consultation- One 50 min session, 300
Monthly subscription (up to four 50 minute sessions), $950
My, what a big brand you have.