Living Pro SportsIn 25 years, Lori Warhop has moved her family 11 times.
No, she is not on the lam (as one potential employer suspected). Ms. Warhop's husband is an NFL coach. And there is a world of women out there whose husbands, like Lori's, earn a living in pro sports. At any time (but especially during "firing season"), these wives and mothers can get the call to immediately relocate the family to the next pro-sports city. Finding everything, from a new home in the right neighborhood, to good schools, good doctors--it's all a crap shoot. And precious little support comes from the sports teams responsible for their relocation. Living Pro Sports picks up the slack. This is a resource for the Pro Sports Wife On The Move. A vast, online resource, it helps a woman in unusual circumstances (and whose guard is up) in every aspect of relocating. Living Pro Sports. The where, how and what now.
Before going live in January 2016 (at the peak of NFL firing & hiring season), the mission was to brand the business and create a placeholder website. No "Site Under Construction" signs for Ms. Pro Sports. It also had to be clean and engaging, with enough information to entice this woman into asking for an invitation to become a member once the full site went live.
Who knew that dog would steal the show? By the time the full site went live, we couldn't get rid of the dog in the box if we wanted to. (Don't fight success, even if it's an lucky accident.) The real challenge of the site was structuring it in a way that made navigation easy. From cities, to resource options, to actionable info and insights, the usefulness had to be apparent before anyone could get confused or click away. The copy was written to feel like a magazine that understands the reader because the writers had already been there, done that, and knew a few things the user didn't...yet.
Yes the business is online, but what tool can you put in their hands? The Relocation Playbook evolved because Living Pro Sports' founder is the most organized person we've ever met. We worked with her to develop guides designed to make the job of move more organized, keeping a life in motion in order. (They're difficult to keep in stock.)